We're always expanding our coverage by adding new integrations, now we're also  expanding our coverage geographically in a meaningful way. All our gig economy integrations are live in Peru.

Palenca is a Payroll API for Latin America. We make it possible for any worker to share their employment data and for any company to use the data shared by a worker.

How can companies benefit from using this data?

Recruitment: validate personal information, work behavior, vehicle and home information.

Credit: we get historical and real time earnings to help companies feed their underwriting models, we also have a product in beta for automatic paycheck retention to make collection hassle and risk free.

Accounting/PFM: we get the necessary data to correctly manage the accounting for independent workers.

Direct Deposit Switch: changing the account in which a worker receives their payroll is an inefficient manual process, with Palenca workers can easily switch their direct deposit accounts with a few clicks.